Mighty Neptune VFX is helping film makers everywhere achieve better story telling through affordable visual effects for creative projects with smaller budgets.

My artwork extends into my personal life.

We will create next level visual effects that is affordable for you and will leave your film/commercial looking professionally stunning and we will work with you every step of the way to make sure that you are happy, because that's what makes us happy. We specialize in productions that are lower budget such as short films, commercials, promo videos, weddings, digital advertisements, and presentation videos.

We are excited to hear about your project and all the ideas that you have. So the first couple of meetings we will discuss your film, ideas, and expectations as well as we will share with you some basic ideas and limitations from what you can expect from us. We want to be as clear and transparent as possible before moving forward and both parties are comfortable. So let's meet for coffee, lunch, video chat, or keep it 2D with the classic phone call.

ALPHA CHANNEL VFX is with you every step of the way when we become a part of your team. You can choose to have a VFX supervisor on set working side by side with you that ensures the post process will flow smooth and efficiently as we know possible and to help you keep your post budget affordable.